Monday, 28 November 2016

Increase Dopamine: A Natural Safe Alternative To Drug Addiction

Dopamine can mean different things to each person, from Alzheimer disease to a Taylor Swift song to drug addiction, dopamine affects different people in Portland, OR in different ways. Whenever your experience intense pleasure, be it from using drugs, having sex, exercising or listening music – dopamine is at work.

It’s essentially a neurotransmitter, a chemical in brain that is task with transmitting signals from one nerve cell to another. It’s the chemical behind our most convert desires, our feelings of love or lust. It keeps us focus. It motivates us. It allows us to make smart decisions and resist certain urges. It brings out our competitive side and gives us that “you can do it!” push to help us accomplish our goals. Dopamine makes us happy and allow us to enjoy life to the fullest.

Unfortunately, there are many ways in which a person can unknowingly deplete their dopamine levels and when this happen feelings of depression and anxiety may set in. In addition to specific health conditions, excess use of psychostimulant or illicit drugs are some of the most common ways in which a person can deplete their dopamine levels. In fact, many people believe that a low dopamine is the underlying cause for many drug addiction cases in Portland, OR.

Is Dopamine To Be Blame?

Many addicts in Portland, OR believe that low dopamine is the underlying cause for their addiction, but is it really? Well, for addicts with illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease, it could the culprit. Drug Addiction Rehab Center California explains the after effects of the drug intake. However, just because you may feel better after taking certain drugs does not mean low dopamine is to be blamed for your addiction. In fact, it may be the other way around – meaning, your excessive use of a specific “feel good drug” may be the cause for your low dopamine levels.

Blaming dopamine for your addiction, would be the same as drinking alcohol to feel good, then saying that it’s because of your ethanol deficiency. Just because a drug makes you feel good does not mean you're lacking dopamine. All it proves is that enhancing your dopamine levels can help you to feel better but it may not be the underlying cause. Still, this is not to say that there aren’t cases in Portland, OR where people with low dopamine levels have turned to drugs.

 6 Legal Ways To Get High: Increase “Your Dope” Naturally

People in Portland, OR with low dopamine, lack excitement in their lives. Luckily, there are many ways in which you can boost your dopamine levels naturally, and safely:


Working-out is one of the oldest and easiest ways to get “high!” Exercising have been proven to be a great stress reliever and antidepressant, to the point where it can also become addictive. It helps the body to release endorphins and access the reward center of the brain to help you feel more motivated and excited. Exercising helps to increase the body’s blood calcium levels which can enhance the release of dopamine. The best part is that it doesn’t have to be strenuous. Simply walking for 30 to 60 minutes jogging or swimming in your Portland, OR swimming pool is enough to get your dopamine levels up.

Pump Up The Jam

Listening to music is a great solution if you need some extra “dope.” When you listen to great music, dopamine will be released in the striatum, a region of the brain that responds to stimuli such as sex and exercise.  According to an article by the New York Times on Why Music Makes Our Brain Sing, music engages the brain reward system to make us feel better and is a great stress reliever. So, turn up the music a little louder when you’re feeling down, but remember to respect you Portland, OR neighbours.

Read A Book

New information, aids in the release of dopamine. So reading a book is a great way to get your dopamine levels. Every new book you read gives you a little rush of dopamine and every time this happens, it helps to reinforce your brains memory that reading makes you happier. Your brain is program to lean towards things that make you feel better, so you’ll find yourself reading more often to revisit that feeling.

Set Goals

Setting goals then working towards them is like setting up rewards for dopamine. Whether it’s working towards a promotion, learning a new language at an institution in Portland, OR or joining a new workout program to challenge yourself, setting new goals and working to accomplish them is a great way to boost dopamine.


Having sex, or more importantly, having an orgasm is recognised as one of the best ways to get a natural high. Sex at nights is a great stress reliever and can help to induce sleepiness for you to rest more comfortably at nights.

Having a healthy sex life is important but it’s also important for you to remember that sex can become a form of addiction. And, like drug addiction, an addiction to sex can have devastating effects. It’s important to establish balance in whatever you do in life.

Eat More Protein

Consuming a protein rich meal is another good way to improve dopamine levels in the brain. Protein rich foods provide the body with amino acids which your brain requires in order to produce dopamine. Foods such as beef and cheese that are high in protein can provide the body with enough tyrosine to enhance dopamine levels.

Don’t Become an Addict

Anything that makes you feel pleasure or enhance dopamine production can become addictive, whether it’s having sex, working out or taking drugs. Many people in Portland, ORstruggle with addictions to shopping, sex and drugs because it helps them to feel happier.

Addictive behaviours such as drug addiction can have an opposite effect on the brain and lessen dopamine production in the long haul. As mentioned earlier, it’s important to established balance in life in whatever you do. The activity should not dominate your life and should produce some amount of reward to help improve your dopamine levels in the long run, not just a quick fix.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Find the Right Drug Treatment Center to Get on the Path of Recovery

You must have heard about a famous proverb ”Excess of anything is bad”, similarly use of drugs in excess is also very dangerous. Drug addiction is a complicated disorder that can harm an individual in numerous ways. It affects the physical, mental and social health of the person. Due to the addictive properties of various substances such as alcohol, cocaine and heroin, it is quite difficult to overcome their addiction.

Quitting addiction requires a lot more than just a strong will power. Recognizing the problem is the initial and foremost step towards seeking assistance for drug addiction. Consulting or talking to a healthcare professional is the next step for the recovery process. Undoubtedly, one can find plenty of drug rehab centers California. However, choosing the best drug rehab center is really important to get proper treatment.

With a large number of treatment centers, it may be quite confusing and time consuming to find the right one. First of all, one must determine which treatment program will suit his or her individual needs and requirements. For instance, outpatient drug addiction treatment program is suitable to those who prefer to live in their homes and attend consultation or counseling sessions at the rehab center.

You can conduct a search on the internet to know about several drug rehab centers and treatment programs offered by them and their success rate. This will surely help you to connect with a reliable treatment center that would assist you to get rid of drug or alcohol addiction.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Rehabilitation Works. Incarceration Doesn’t!

Today we are here to tell you that you can make a difference in this drug epidemic that’s ravaging through the streets of San Diego, CA.

Here’s a fact you may not know – according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons 46.4 percent of the 2,220,300 individuals incarcerated in the United States are serving time for drug offenses. And even more shockingly, it cost taxpayers $31,286 annually to maintain one of these individuals in prison, many of whom have been sentenced to up to five years for less than 60 kg of heroin. The sad part is that some of these individuals are suffering from a disease that led them down this path…addition!

Learning this you may think there’s no other solution to deal with these minor drug offenders, however, that’s simply not true. Addicts are incarcerated as often as drug dealers, but unlike the dealers they face a greater struggle relinquishing their relationship with the substance.

Instead of sentencing these individuals to five years in prison and fuelling a recurring cycle of drug abuse and imprisonment, a much better solution is to assist them with the help they need to overcome the addiction with proper treatment. Needless to say, there are numerous societal benefits of San Diego rehab treatment programs.

However, It’s a Waste of Time and Resources

Many of you may think these individuals are not entitled to any help but that’s not true. We’re not talking about the drug lords who distribute drugs throughout small communities to live lavishly. We’re talking about the addict – the person at the bottom of the most powerless person who believes they’re looking for a way to survive. When things get tough, many of them will do anything to get their next high. Many turn to stealing and other crimes but for the most part, they are mainly harming themselves and their loved ones. Of Course this excludes them driving while intoxicated and endangering the lives of innocent motorists.
Don't Wait for the Worst…Attack The Root Cause

Once there is no demand the suppliers will have to take their goods elsewhere. While San Diego, CA  authorities are making an effort to reduce the presence of illicit drugs on the streets, it’s also makes sense that we spend some time trying to reduce the demand for drugs. Individual in drug rehabilitation centers are not able to purchase drugs. This helps to reduce the demand for the drugs and ultimately helps to make the industry less lucrative.

So, instead of throwing them behind bars, let’s rehabilitate them!

 How Can You Help?

As a family member of an addict, there is plenty that you can do to save them from years of being incarcerated. As with most societal woes, those in need of treatment may not be in the position to afford it, or may not even desire to seek treatment.

At the Boulevard Treatment Centers in San Diego, CA we assist family members with arranging interventions for people who are in denial about their addiction and will also help them to come up with the best solution to finance treatment.

If you have an addict in the family don’t leave them to suffer through their addiction in the huge public detox box that is the prison system. In most cases they will come back on the streets and begin using the substance again shortly after. Get them the help that they need. Contact BLVD Treatment Centers at (888) 622-8330 to find out how we can assist you with helping your loved ones get their lives back on track.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Hosting A Summer Ending Party While On Recovery

Autumn is almost here and what better way to bid goodbye to the summer than hosting a party in your San Diego, CA backyard. Being an addict doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy life to its fullest. And it definitely does not mean you can’t invite all your friends and family over for a night of fun with great entertainment, minus the beer pong or shotgun relay tournaments.

It’s natural for you to be hesitant. San Diego parties often center around booze, and of drugs in some cases. While most people will be worrying about what to wear to the party or whether there’ll be enough drinks, as a recovering alcoholic your main concern will be your sobriety – but this shouldn’t necessarily stop you. Social interactions plays an important role in your recovery process and oftentimes help to encourage a better way of life after recovery.

As you begin planning your San Diego, CA summer ending party, here are some useful tips to keep in mind.

Go For Non-alcoholic Drinks

This is the single most important thing to remember. Try to keep in mind that your options are not limited when it comes to finding non-alcoholic beverages for your party. There are plenty of sodas, lemonades, teas, smoothies and even virgin margaritas that you can opt for. Simply entering “non-alcoholic party beverages” into Google Search Engine will turn up a lot of great recipes for you to use. Just try to be creative and show you guest how enjoyable and delicious alcohol-free drinks can be.

Arrange Fun Activities For Your Guests

Since you’re primarily throwing a sober party, try to center your party around fun activities that will keep you guests entertained and happy without the need to get  tipsy. Put out interactive board games, turn up the music to get everyone dance, or simply put on a funny movie that you can poke fun at to keep your guest laughing.

Throw A Day Party

You may think a night party is much cooler. However, having a day party during recovery is the best way to ensure that no alcohol ends up at your sober party. People have grown to expect alcohol at night-time celebrations, while it’s less expected at a celebration held during the daytime. After all, there are more drunk driving related accidents in San Diego at nights versus the daytime.

These are just a few tips that you can guide you through planning your summer ending party. Try to inform your guest of your “no alcohol” rule prior to their arrival . And if you begin to feel a bit uncomfortable during the party, inform one of your close friend or a family member who will be able to support you through the night.

At BLVD Treatment Centers we focus on alcohol addiction treatment for the long-term at our San Diego alcohol rehabilitation centre. During recovery we want our patients to be able to lead a happy life and encourage them to surround themselves by friends and family members who can be a positive influence on their lives. Remember, your alcohol recovery journey doesn’t have to be a living hell!

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Connect With Rehab Center For A Truly Sustainable Recovery!

Majority of the youth these days is indulging in drug addiction problems.  Due to many issues, young people have started taking drugs and are facing much serious harm. As we all know that alcohol or abuse substances are the major causes of health problems that reduce your immunity to fight against the infection.  This leads to several mental disorders and make you feel low.

If you or any of your friends is suffering from such major problems, then you must consult with the specialists who provide impeccable drug rehab treatment programs.  There are many rehab centers in California that are famous for offering intense and comprehensive approaches to cure your mental and addiction problems.  You can call or connect with the best treatment center in California to avail their Residential Drug Treatment. They assure you to bring back on the track providing you a road to recovery.

Under the residential drug rehab programs, a patient is treated at his/her own place to provide sobriety, emotional wellness and unshakable joy of life.   To take advantage of the services of reputed treatment centers you are simply a phone call away.  Just with a click, connect with them and bring colors and joy in your life. Residential treatment is performed under medical supervision.

So what are you waiting for?  Detox is the first step to get rid of your addiction problems. Call today at reliable helpline and start your journey today towards a life filled with happiness.